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All Plants

Plants are centralized systems that work together to maintain occupant comfort and provide essential functions in a facility such as air, water, and electricity distribution. Plants comprise various systems and components that serve different functions. More The operation and efficiency of the systems and their components determine the energy consumption and environmental impact of the plant. Monitoring building systems and components can provide a better understanding of how energy is used and where improvements can be made to reduce consumption, GHG emissions, and operational costs to meet efficiency and environmental goals. Read more about each plant below. Less


Air-cooled Chilled Water Plant
General Overview An air-cooled chilled water plant consists of an air-cooled chiller system and a chilled water loop system operating to meet the cooling demand in a facility. The air-cooled chiller produces chilled water through the basic refrigeration cycle. The primary chilled water pump circulates the chilled water between the chiller and the chilled water loop. In some cases, a secondary chilled water pump distributes the chilled water produced by the chiller to air handling units (AHUs) in the building. Figure 1. Air-cooled chilled water plant (click on image to enlarge). Systems Air-cooled Chiller An air-cooled chiller provides chilled water to the chilled water loop system and components. Learn More Figure 2. Air-cooled chiller (click on image to enlarge). Chilled Water Loop A chilled water loop system consists of a closed loop distribution system that supplies chilled water to the building and includes components. Learn More Figure 3. Chilled water loop (click on image to enlarge). Evaluation of Energy Consumption The primary energy consumption of an air-cooled chilled water plant is the sum of the energy consumption of the components of each system. The thermal energy rejected from the building to the outdoors can also be measured to evaluate the overall performance of the plant, usually in kilowatts of power consumer per ton of cooling provided (kW/ton). Table 1 provides a summary of system component measurements and values needed to quantify the annual energy consumption and operating characteristics of an air-cooled chilled water plant. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. Plant Quantification Values to be Quantified Energy Consuming Component Air-cooled chilled water plant electricity usage (kWh) Average hourly chiller kWh Average hourly pump motor kWh Condenser fan motor Compressor motor Chilled water pump motors Cooling load on building/Heat rejected to the outdoors Average hourly thermal load of chiller evaporator (Btu/h) Further Reading ASHRAE (2020). 2020 ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment. Atlanta, GA: ASHRAE. Gordon, J.M.; Ng, K.C. (2000). Cool thermodynamics: The engineering and physics of predictive, diagnostic and optimization methods for cooling systems. Cambridge International Science Publishing; pp. 159-177. Wei, J.; Reddy, T.A. (2003). “Reevaluation of the Gordon-Ng Performance Models for Water-Cooled Chillers.” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 109, Part 2. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.

An air-cooled chilled water plant consists of an air-cooled chiller system and a chilled water loop system operating to meet the cooling demand in a …

Water-cooled Chilled Water Plant
General Overview A water-cooled chilled water plant consists of a water-cooled chiller system, a condenser water loop system and a chilled water loop system operating to meet cooling demand in a facility. If a waterside economizer is implemented in the facility, the chilled water plant includes a waterside economizer system as well. Figure 1. Water-cooled chilled water plant (click on image to enlarge). Systems Water-cooled Chiller A water-cooled chiller produces chilled water through the basic refrigeration cycle to the chilled water loop to distribute to the facility. Learn More Figure 2. Water-cooled chiller (click on image to enlarge). Chilled Water Loop A chilled water loop consists of a closed loop distribution system that supplies chilled water to the building. Learn More Figure 3. Chilled water loop (click on image to enlarge). Condenser Water Loop A condenser water loop consists of an open loop distribution system that circulates condenser water from a chiller condenser to a cooling tower where the condenser water is cooled and returned to the chiller condenser. Learn More Figure 4. Condenser water loop (click on image to enlarge). Waterside Economizer System Waterside economizers may use an external plate-and-frame heat exchanger between the condenser and chilled water loop or the chiller itself may be set up to perform the function of a waterside heat exchanger. When the outdoor temperatures are favorable, heat from the chilled water loop may be rejected directly to the condenser water loop through a heat exchanger without running the chiller compressor motor. Learn More Figure 5. Waterside economizer system (click on image to enlarge). Evaluation of Energy Consumption The primary energy consumption of a water-cooled chilled water plant is the sum of the energy consumption of the components of each system. The thermal energy rejected from the building to the outdoors can also be measured to evaluate the overall performance of the plant, usually in kilowatts of power consumed per ton of cooling provided (kW/ton). Table 1 provides a summary of system component measurements and values needed to quantify the annual energy consumption and operating characteristics of the water-cooled chilled water plant. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. Plant Quantification Values to be Quantified Energy Consuming Component Water-cooled chilled water plant electricity usage (kWh) Average hourly chiller (kWh) Average hourly pump motors (kWh) Average hourly cooling tower fan motors (kWh) Chiller compressor motor Chilled water pump motors Condenser water pump motors Heat exchanger pump motor (if present) Cooling tower fan motors Cooling load on building/Heat rejected to the outdoors Average hourly thermal load on chiller evaporator (Btu/h) Coefficient of Performance (COP) Electricity input Cooling load output Further Reading ASHRAE (2019). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Applications,” Chapter 43. SUPERVISORY CONTROL STRATEGIES AND OPTIMIZATION. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2019). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Applications,” Chapter 48. DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF CONTROLS. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 38. COMPRESSORS. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 40. COOLING TOWERS. I-P Edition. Consulting Specifying Engineer (2021). “Understanding chilled water plant performance”. Consulting - Specifying Engineer | Understanding chilled water plant performance ( Taylor, S (2012). “Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water Plants Part 5: Optimized Control Sequences”. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 54, No 6. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers; pp: 56-74. Taylor, S (2014). “How to Design & Control Waterside Economizers.” ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 56, No 6. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers; pp: 30-36.

Consists of a water-cooled chiller system, a condenser water loop system and a chilled water loop system operating to meet cooling demand in a facility.


Hot-water Heating Plant
General Overview The hot water heating (HWH) plant takes input energy (e.g., fuel, electricity, biomass) and generates hot water that is distributed throughout a facility to provide space heating. A HWH boiler may also generate hot water to provide for other loads, such as domestic hot water or process heat. A hot water heating plant consists of a hot water heating boiler, a feedwater system, and a hot water heating loop. Figure 1. Hot water heating plant (click on image to enlarge). Systems Hot Water Heating Boiler The hot water heating boiler is the largest energy-consuming system in the hot water heating plant. Hot water is produced primarily through the heat transfer from combustion gases in the combustion chamber to the water. The hot water produced by the system is then transported out to the facility to meet required heating loads or domestic hot water needs. Learn More Figure 2. Hot water heating boiler system (click on image to enlarge). Hot Water Loop The hot water loop system encompasses the distribution system responsible for moving hot water throughout the building. Components of a typical hot water loop system are primary-only or primary-secondary pumps, piping network and piping insulation. Learn More Figure 3. Hot water loop system (click on image to enlarge). Feedwater System The feedwater system provides treated make-up water and returned hot water from the hot water loop. Feedwater requires proper treatment to remove pollutants and preserve the efficiency of the boiler. Learn More Figure 4. Feedwater system and chemical treatment for make-up water (click on image to enlarge). Evaluation of Energy Conumption The total energy consumption of a HWH plant is the sum of the energy consumption of the components of each system. In a HWH plant this includes the fuel usage consumed by the boiler to satisfy the heating load and the electricity required by the burner fan motor, primary and secondary pumps and feedwater pump. Table 1 provides a summary of system component measurements and values needed to quantify the annual energy consumption and operating characteristics of the HWH plant. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. Plant Quantification Values to be Quantified Energy Consuming Component Hot water heating plant fuel consumption (Btu) Average hourly fuel consumption (Btuh) Boiler Hot water heating plant electricity consumption (kWh) Average hourly burner fan motor (kWh) Average hourly primary HWH pump motor (kWh) Average hourly secondary HWH pump motor (kWh) Average hourly feedwater pump (kWh) Total operating time for the pump motors Outdoor air temperature (F) Heat load delivered Average hourly heat rejected from the hot water loop (Btu/h) Terminal Units Heat recovered Average hourly heat delivered to the make-up water (Btu/h) Heat exchanger (if present) Further Reading ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 32. BOILERS. I-P Edition.

Produces and distributes hot water in a facility. Terminal units are used to reject heat from the hot water and provide heating to one or more spaces.

Steam Plant
General Overview A low pressure steam plant takes input energy (e.g., fuel, gas, biomass) and uses a boiler to generate steam that is distributed throughout a facility or group of facilities to provide heating. Low pressure steam plants are generally operated at 15 psig or less (steam temperature below ~250 F). Low pressure steam can be used directly as a heating medium and distributed to the terminal equipment, or it can be used indirectly by being piped to heat exchangers to heat water to use at terminal equipment and/or domestic hot water (DHW) systems. A low pressure steam plant and associated systems are shown in Figure 1. A steam plant consists of a steam boiler, steam distribution system, condensate recovery system, blowdown system and economizer. Figure 1. Steam plant diagram (click on image to enlarge). Systems Steam Boiler A steam boiler system is the largest energy-consuming system in the steam plant. A steam boiler generates steam by transferring heat from the combustion gases in the combustion chamber to the water. The steam produced is then transported out to the facility to meet the heating loads. Learn More Figure 2. Steam Boiler System (click on image to enlarge). -- Steam Distribution System A low-pressure steam distribution system supplies the steam to the facility or facilities. Steam distribution systems are generally closed-loop, where the steam condensate is returned to the steam boiler to be re-heated (see Condensate Recovery System below). The steam distribution system contains various valves and steam traps to regulate heating and manage condensate throughout a building. Learn More Figure 3. Steam Distribution System (click on image to enlarge). Condensate Recovery System A condensate recovery system complements the steam distribution system to maintain the efficiency of the steam plant. The condensate usually returns to the boiler, minimizing the feedwater and fuel supply to the boiler. Learn More Figure 4. Condensate Recovery System (click on image to enlarge). Feedwater System The feedwater system provides fresh or, at times, treated water to the steam boiler system and allows for removal of water that contains pollutants (i.e., unwanted minerals and/or sediment). This increases the longevity of the system equipment, at a cost of the energy required to heat the feedwater, which is colder than the recirculated condensate. Feedwater systems may include a heat exchanger – commonly called an economizer – which recovers heat from the boiler fuel gases and uses it to pre-heat the feedwater. Learn More Figure 5. Feedwater System (click on image to enlarge). Blowdown System The blowdown system removes suspended solids and sludge from the boiler water in order to preserve the operation and efficiency of the steam plant components. An integrated blowdown system reduces unnecessary blowdown by monitoring water quality and allows for heat recovery from the blowdown water to pre-heat the feedwater, generates service hot water or other applications. Figure 6. Blowdown System (click on image to enlarge). Evaluation of Energy Consumption The total energy consumption of a steam plant is the sum of the energy consumption of the components of each system: the fuel usage consumed by the boiler to satisfy the heating load of the building, and the electricity required by the burner fan motor, condensate pump and feedwater pump. Table 1 provides a summary of system component measurements and values needed to quantify the annual energy consumption and operating characteristics of the steam plant. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. Plant Quantification Values to be Quantified Energy Consuming Component Steam boiler plant fuel consumption (Btu) Average hourly fuel consumption (Btu/h) Boiler Steam plant electricity consumption (kWh) Average hourly burner fan motor (kWh) Total operating hours of burner fan motor Average hourly condensate pump motor kWh Average hourly feedwater pump motor (kWh) Total operating time for pump motors Burner fan motor Condensate pump motor Feedwater pump motor Further Reading ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 11. STEAM SYSTEMS. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 32. BOILERS. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2019). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Applications,” Chapter 50, Section 2.5. WATER TREATEMENT: DEPOSITION, CORROSION, AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. I-P Edition. Spirax Sarco (2022). “Learn More About Steam” Steam Insights.

Produces and distributes steam throughout the facility for space heating. Terminal units are used to reject heat to the spaces, condensate recovery systems …

Air Handling

Air Handling Plant
General Overview The air handling plant (AHP) takes input energy (e.g., electricity, heated or chilled water) and conditions the air to meet required indoor environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, fresh air). The AHP may be made up of different types of air handling units (AHUs) at the system level (e.g., rooftop unit, fan coil unit, constant speed unit) which will be discussed at the system level descriptions. For a more detailed overview of various system configurations for this plant, please refer to the ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook (2020), Section 4 – Air Handling and Distribution. Figure 1. Air Handling Plant (click on image to enlarge). Systems The systems and components that make up the air handling plant are listed and described further in Table 1 below. It should be noted that for a given AHP, there may be a mix of air handling systems installed (e.g., constant-speed, constant-volume, variable air volume) and configurations (e.g., split heat pump, rooftop unit). Constant-speed, Constant-volume (CSCV) AHU A CSCV air handling system provides heating, cooling and ventilation air to a space in a facility. The AHU is built on-site out of various sections. The volume of outside air in the AHU can be modulated from 0% (outside air damper fully closed) to a typical ventilation rate (minimum outside air damper position) and in some cases can provide 100% outside air (economizer mode). Learn More Figure 2. CSCV Air Handling Unit Systems and Components (click on image to enlarge). Variable-air Volume AHU A VAV system consists of a main AHU and multiple VAV boxes that serve different zones. The AHU has fan motors that are equipped with variable frequency drives (VFDs) which allow the fan speed (and associated air volume) to modulate as the building demand changes. VAV boxes are installed in the supply air ductwork in the zones served and are generally installed with a heating coil, also known as a reheat coil. This enables the system to adjust the supply air temperature to prevent over-cooling a space. The VAV system allows for space temperature and ventilation air control in each zone. VAV boxes are usually set with a minimum damper position associated with the minimum required ventilation airflow needed for the zone. Learn More Figure 3. VAV Air Handling Plant Systems and Components (click on image to enlarge). Air-to-air Energy Recovery Air-to-air heat exchangers transfer energy between two airstreams that must be at different temperatures for sensible heat transfer and different moisture contents for latent heat transfer. Learn More Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) A DOAS system is designed to heat, cool, humidify, dehumidify and filter ventilation air independent of the space heating and cooling needs of a facility. A DOAS can generally provide limited space heating and cooling but only as a by-product of the required volumes of ventilation air provided to a space or zone. Fan Coil Unit (FCU) A FCU is a smaller, factory-assembled device that is used to circulate and condition air. Split Heat Pump (HP) A HP is a split system that provides heating or cooling and is comprised of an indoor unit with a fan and evaporator coil and an outdoor unit with a fan and condenser coil. Fuel Fired Furnace A fuel burning device that heats air for space conditioning. Rooftop Unit (RTU) A roof mounted packaged system that provides heating, cooling and ventilation and supplies air directly to the space below it or into a set of ducts. Induction Unit (non-fan powered) A system that uses a fast-moving primary air stream (usually created by a set of nozzles) to induce air from the space to be drawn through the unit and mixed with the primary air stream. The primary air stream is generated by a separate system such as a CSCV AHU or a DOAS. Evaluation of Energy Consumption The energy consumption in an air handling plant is the sum of the energy used by each AHU system, including the electricity to power the supply and return fans and the energy needed to heat or cool the air through the AHU. Heating and cooling energy may come from a central heating or cooling plant or from an energy source processed directly at the AHU, such as natural gas for heating or electricity to drive compressor-based cooling. Table 1 provides a summary of system component measurements and values needed to quantify the annual energy consumption of an air handling plant. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. System(s) Values to Quantify Energy Consuming Component Constant-speed, constant-volume AHU Dual-speed, constant-volume AHU Variable air volume AHU Dedicated outside air system Fan coil unit Average hourly fan motor kWh Average Btu/h at coils Fan motors Heating coil Cooling coil Heat pump Average hourly heat pump kWh (includes supply and condenser fan motors and compressor motors) Fan motors Compressor Fuel fired furnace Average hourly furnace fuel consumption Average hourly burner kWh (includes supply fan motors) Burner Fan motors Rooftop Unit Average hourly fuel consumption: average hourly rooftop unit kWh (includes supply and condenser fan motors and compressor motors) Burner Fan motors Compressor Induction Unit Average Btu/h at coils Heating coil Further Reading ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 1. HVAC SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SELECTION. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2020). “ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment,” Chapter 4. AIR HANDLING AND DISTRIBUTION. I-P Edition. ASHRAE (2019). “ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”. ASHRAE. Taylor, S (2014). “Return Fans in VAV Systems”. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 56; pp. 54-58.

This plant conditions and distributes air in a facility to meet required indoor environmental conditions. This plant works in conjunction with heating and …


Lighting Plant
General Overview A lighting plant consists of the electrical distribution system and one or more light fixture systems. The electrical distribution system provides power to the light fixture system, which provides the actual illumination to indoor spaces, emergency evacuation routes, and outdoor areas. The electrical distribution system receives electricity from the power grid, which then is distributed through switchgear and panelboards. A lighting plant and associated systems are shown in Figure 1. Measurements may be taken at the electrical distribution or light fixture system levels. Figure 1. Lighting Plant. Keep in mind that a lighting plant will have several electrical panelboards (click on image to enlarge). Systems Electrical Distribution System The electrical distribution system is comprised of main and secondary switchgear and panelboards. The switchgear distributes electricity to the panelboards, and the panelboards provide electricity to the light fixture systems. Panelboards typically serve light fixture systems in multiple spaces across a facility and are generally broken down by floor or smaller spaces on a floor. Sometimes multiple electric panelboards are required to provide power to a single space such as a warehouse, gymnasium, or garage. Learn More Figure 2. Electrical distribution system (click on image to enlarge). note Panelboards can have mixed loads or be dedicated just to lighting. Mixed panelboards serve the light fixture systems and other electrical loads such as receptacles, office equipment or miscellaneous plug loads. Dedicated panelboards exclusively serve light fixture systems including interior, exterior, and emergency lighting. Light Fixture System The light fixture system is comprised of the luminaires, lamps, and controls. Controls can be manual or automatic. All lighting systems have some form of manual controls such as wall switches within a space or electrical disconnects (circuit breakers) at the panelboard. Some lighting systems have automatic controls which may include a control panel and sensors. Learn More Figure 3: Two Dedicated Lighting Panelboards with Automatic Controls, each panelboard is considered a system (click on image to enlarge). Evaluation of Energy Consumption To quantify the energy consumption of the lighting plant, the components of all lighting systems should be measured. Some facilities may have a combination of the above-mentioned systems and a level of engineering judgement will be necessary to determine how much of what to measure. Table 1. Key values and components to measure to evaluate energy consumption. Plant Quantification Values to be Quantified Energy Consuming Component Lighting plant electricity usage (kWh) Average hourly kWh served by the electrical distribution system Light fixtures and automatic controls (if applicable). Further Reading Richman, EE. (2016). “Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings and Performance from Advanced Lighting Control.” Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Consists of the electrical distribution system and light fixture systems to provide illumination to the interior and exterior of the facility.