Constant-speed, Constant-volume Pump and MotorComponent

General Overview

A constant-speed, constant-volume (CSCV) pump and motor operates at a single speed to circulate liquid (e.g., water, water, and glycol solution) through a piping network where the flow rate through the pump does not vary more than 5%. Centrifugal pumps are the most common type of pumps used.

Table 1 shows the plant and system configurations that may contain a CSCV pump and motor that operate based on a regular schedule (e.g., same time of day, same days of week).

Table 1. Plants and systems applicable to CSCV pumps and motors.
Plant System Component
Air-cooled chilled water plant Chilled water loop Primary chilled water pump
Water-cooled chilled water plant Condenser water loop Condenser water pump
Water-cooled chilled water plant Chilled water loop Primary chilled water pump
Water-cooled chilled water plant Chilled water loop Secondary chilled water pump
Water-cooled chilled water plant Waterside economizer Waterside economizer pump (if present)
Hot water plant Hot water boiler Makeup water pump
Hot water plant Hot water loop Building loop pump
Steam plant Steam boiler Makeup water pump
Steam plant Feedwater tank Feedwater pump
Service water plant Service hot water loop
  • Service hot water
  • Recirculation pump

Evaluation of Energy Consumption

The primary energy source for a CSCV pump is the electricity used to run the pump motor. Table 2 provides a summary of measurements needed to quantify the annual energy consumption and operating characteristics of the CSCV pump and motor.

Table 2. Key values and measurements to evaluate energy consumption.
Component Quantification Values to be Quantified Measurement 
Electricity usage of a CSCV pump motor
  • Average hourly power input to the pump motor
  • Average hourly operating time for the pump motor

Measurement Strategy

The measurement strategy for a CSCV pump and motor is to do a one-time measurement of the power draw and long-term measurements of the operational schedule of the motor. The approach assumes that the power draw stays constant throughout the measurement period. Because the motor runs at constant-speed and is under a constant load, it is either operating at full power (when on) or it is drawing no power (when off). A motor on/off data logger is used to record the operating schedule. The true RMS power is measured at the main feed to the constant-speed motor. Measurement locations are generically represented in Figure 1.

 Figure 1. CSCV pump and motor measurement locations.
Figure 1. CSCV pump and motor measurement locations (click on image to enlarge).

Measurement Equipment

Table 3 provides the equipment required to carry out the measurements of this component.

Table 3. Measurement equipment.
Equipment Description Measurement (Units)
Onset HOBO Motor On/Off Data Logger (UX90-004)
Records when a motor is on and off, as well as runtime. Requires HOBOware software and a USB connection cable for programming and downloading data files. Motor Runtime (minutes)
Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter
Multi-purpose electrical measurement tool used to take true RMS power readings over a short period of time. True RMS Power (kW)

Calculation Methodology

Click the button below to go to the calculators for this component.

Pump Motor Energy Consumption Calculation

The equations and calculators in this page estimate the annual energy consumption of variable-speed and constant-speed pump motors.

Further Reading