Liquid-to-liquid Heat ExchangerComponent

General Overview

A liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger achieves heat transfer using temperature difference between two liquids without direct contact of these liquids.

In a building, a heat exchanger of this type can be installed in condensate cooling, vent condensing, boiler blowdown, and waterside economizer (free cooling), and in refrigeration applications such as evaporators and condensers. Typical liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers are plate-and-frame heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers.

Table 1 shows the plant and system configurations that may contain a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger.

Table 1. Plants and systems containing liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers.




Controlling Variable

Water-cooled Chilled Water Plant

Waterside Economizer

Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger

Outdoor air temperature (F)

Steam Plant

  • Blowdown Tank
  • Heat recovery system

Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger

Blowdown water temperature (F)

Service Hot Water Plant

Service Hot Water Tank

Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger

Schedule and occupancy

Evaluation of Heat Transfer

In a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger heat transferred from the liquid with excess heat (waste heat stream) to the liquid where the heat recovered is beneficial to the process (supply stream). This is the principal energy phenomenon that reduces the overall energy usage of the entire plant or system where the heat exchanger is installed. A pump and motor may be needed to move the liquid in the waste heat and supply streams.

Table 2 provides a summary of measurements needed to quantify the annual energy transfer and operating characteristics of a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger.

Table 2. Key values and measurements to evaluate heat transfer.

Component Quantification

Values to be Quantified


Heat transferred by the heat exchanger to the supply stream

Average hourly Btu/h transferred 

Heat recovery system electricity consumption (if applicable), non-weather dependent system

  • Average hourly pump motor kWh (if needed)
  • Operating schedule

Hourly true RMS power (kWh)

Heat recovery system electricity consumption (if applicable), weather dependent system
  • Average hourly pump motor kWh (if needed)
  • Average hourly outdoor air temperature (OAT)

Hourly true RMS power (kW)

Outdoor air temperature (F)
DENT ELITEproXC Portable Power Data Logger (EXCUNC)

DENT 16” RoCoil Flexible Rope Current Transformers (CT-R16-A4-U)
Provides a measurement of true RMS power from voltage and current inputs and records long-term power (kW) and energy (kWh) measurements. Requires ELOG19 software and a USB connection cable for programming and downloading data files. True RMS Power (kW)

Measurement Strategy

The measurement strategy for a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger is to measure the supply stream flow through the heat exchanger and the temperatures at the supply stream inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. The flow rate can be measured at the supply stream pump if one is used in the system. Measurement locations are generically represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger measurement locations.
Figure 1. Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger measurement locations (click on image to enlarge).

Measurement Equipment

Table 3 provides the equipment required to carry out the measurements of this component.

Table 3. Measurement equipment.



Measurement (Units)

Ultrasonic Flow Meter DXNP (DXNP-ABS-NN)
Designed for systems engineers to quickly troubleshoot problems and verify performance during system commissioning and diagnostics. Allows measurement of flows throughout the plumbing infrastructure without intrusion. Water Flow Rate (GPM)
DENT ELITEproXC Portable Power Data Logger (EXCUNC)

DENT 16” RoCoil Flexible Rope Current Transformers (CT-R16-A4-U)
Provides a measurement of true RMS power from voltage and current inputs and records long-term power (kW) and energy (kWh) measurements. Requires ELOG19 software and a USB connection cable for programming and downloading data files. True RMS Power (kW)
4-Channel Analog Data Logger (UX120-006M)

Thermocouple Sensor (TC6-T)
An analog logger that supports up to four external sensors allowing you to measure temperature, current, voltage, air flow, pressure and more in one single logger. HOBOware Pro or HOBOware free software is required for logger operation. Pipe Surface Water Temperature

Calculation Methodology

The general methodology for quantifying the useful energy supplied by a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger is determined by the differential of temperature and rate of flow of the supply stream. These values are multiplied by the heat capacity and density of the liquid (e.g., water, water-glycol mix) to find the energy flow rate. The energy flow rate can be regressed against a controlling variable (such as outdoor air, pump runtime or flow rate) to develop a regression model. Depending on the variability of operations, daily or weekly models may be developed to better characterize the component.

Click the button below to go to the calculators for this component.

Liquid-to-liquid Heat Exchanger Heat TransferCalculation

For a fixed plate heat exchanger, the equations used in this methodology and calculator estimate the annual sensible heat transfer.

Further Reading